To make aware

The reason for this blog is to let people know what life is like with a deaf child, the hardships, as well as the achievements. I also have a hearing child and how it will impact him.

Friday, May 10, 2013

It really has been awhile..

To those who are following me or reading whenever I post, I am sooo sorry. I have been so very  busy. But since I am here I will make a post.

Where to start... Wyatt has be a whirl wind this past year. He's had a few check ups, for his ears, and is doing really well. He is still on meds for his ADHD. I finally had to break down and ask for help, it was getting to the point where I was getting very upset, angry and constantly yelling. The suggestion that was made was a daily list. I would write out what he had to do for the day and after oh so many things that he does he got a sticker, and after he gets so many a day, he got to choose a toy from his star box, or his meep. If he got so many for the week he got to pick an activity for the day. It has been going really good. I was getting unexpected hugs and thank yous.

My biggest problem had been remembering to write his list. I try to do it saturday night, but I keep forgetting, so right now I am keeping tabs on it in my head. He also only gets 1 warning, after that its time out. That is working wonders, cause he hates it.

Not everyday is perfect, still have ups and down. He is finally at a point too in school where he doesn't need a para, although I think he still does. He is back on track with a PCA, though she is gone right now. LOL.

I love Wyatt more then he knows, and some days he surprises me. Just seeing him smile makes me want to smile. Now with Austin. He is growing like a weed and following in Wyatts path. He is not as active as Wyatt, but still on the move.